Logansport, the “Gateway to Louisiana” and “Sand Bass Capital of the World”
And it’s a great place to live!

Welcome to the Town of Logansport. As you navigate through our website I think you will be impressed at how much we have to offer. We are a River City located where Toledo Bend Lake begins. Our town is the “Gateway to DeSoto Parish and all of Louisiana”.

It is indeed my pleasure to have the opportunity to serve as the Mayor of Logansport. To me, the people who live here are our greatest resource. People are unusually friendly and ready to volunteer their time to help wherever needed. Our neighborhoods are safe and clean.

Even though we are small in numbers, we have many visions for Logansport. With the construction of two new bridges across the Sabine River and new east/ west highways due to begin in early 2012, there will be even more opportunity for the growth for businesses here.

Whether you are coming to spend time in our beautiful River Park, attend one of the many community festivals, or looking for a new business location my office staff and I are always ready to help you in any way. We welcome your visit.

Logansport Town Hall ~ 309 Main Street ~ Logansport, Louisiana 71049
(318) 697-5359

Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday – 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 

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